Art, Graphic Design

Design Inspiration: Mode of Communication Infographic

Design Inspiration: Mode of Communication Infographic

Today’s first design inspiration is a hand drawn infographic or flowchart which aims to help you choose which mode of communication to use with your client. The whole thing is pretty funny and pure genius. I like the flow (honestly no pun intended) of how all of these organic shaped bubbles containing the questions and answers interact with each other. I think it’s great how each type of bubble has its own color. Questions are yellow, no’s or continuations are red and final answers are in green.

Right from the get-go you can see the artist’s humor when if you answer yes to having an hour, the two follow-ups are “seriously?” and “have you showered?” Let’s be honest, how many designers/creatives do you know that have an hour for any mode of communication? Let me know if you use this infographic at any point and what mode of communication you use. (via SwissMiss)

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