Graphic Design, Inspiration

Design Inspiration: Walk Like a Penguin

Design Inspiration: Walk Like a Penguin

Today’s first design inspiration is “How to Walk On Ice” , an infographic which tells you how to do exactly that. Falling on ice is never fun, but why does it seem to happen fairly often? Is it because of how you walk? Apparently it is and you need to harness your inner penguin. Follow the steps above to stay on your feet and off of your butt.

This simple infographic makes great use of minimalism. From the outlined male/penguin figures to the subtle use of pink and green to highlight featured areas, everything works pretty harmoniously. The subtle use of snowflakes in the top doesn’t over-complicate the design and their simple use of a sans serif font helps keep the simplistic feel of the design. So from now on when walking on ice, don’t forget to walk like a penguin. (via SwissMiss)

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