Art, Interesting

The Art of the Brick: Outstanding LEGO Artworks

The Art of the Brick: Outstanding LEGO Artwork

I just came across these awesome LEGO artworks by Nathan Sawaya. Nathan makes these incredible sculptures from LEGO’s using what has to be 10’s of thousands of pieces. His pieces range from musical instruments to buildings to humans. Here’s what Nathan has to say about his work:

There is no idea that cannot be expressed with LEGO. As an artist, LEGO is a great medium to create anything I can imagine. I still use those same rectangular plastic bricks that I had as a child, but now I try and use them in a way that hasn’t been seen before.

Using the link above, check out the full series of Nathan’s work. Remembering what it was like playing with these as a kid really makes me appreciate the work that he does, super impressive. (via Design You Trust)


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